Monday, January 17, 2011

Reason #342 why public sector unions should be banned. #tcot #teaparty

If it should happen to snow in Duluth, Minnesota this January, don't expect city crews to plow it. They might be on strike.

Now, not all of them, mind you. Just Teamsters Local 320 members in the Virginia station -- for now.

So should you need to use a road for, say, taking an ambulance ride, make sure to arrange other means of transport.

The criminal element in Duluth should find it easier to evade the police, who may not be able to respond, what with the roads full of snow.

And if you don't happen to live in a fireproof building, perhaps you should take special care to have a few buckets around. There should be plenty of snow around in Duluth this time of year with which to extinguish the blaze.

Maybe you can just use what's in the street.

Amplify’d from

St. Louis County snowplow driver stage job action

DULUTH, Minn. (AP) - Some three-fourths of the St. Louis County snowplow drivers in the Virginia district didn't respond to an emergency call-out on Saturday morning.

The drivers belong to Teamsters Local 320, which has filed a strike notice for early Wednesday. The union says the main issues are the county's proposals for duties and pay for long-time employees.


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